Is our platform a good fit for you?

Over the past 30 plus years, we have figured out which people we are most likely to help.

Please answer the following questions to find out if we can help you:

Question 1:

Are you a solid tumor (breast, prostate, lung, brain, etc.) cancer patient or a primary caregiver (parent, spouse, son/daughter, partner, etc) who is active in the decision-making process of a cancer patient?


  • You can be newly diagnosed, a 20+ year survivor, and anything in between
  • We currently do not work with children or liquid tumor cases. But we are working on it so keep in touch!

Question 2:

Do at least one of these statements describe you?

  1. I am curious
    • What are my options? Should I be looking at other treatments, centers or clinicians? Should I be looking into clinical trials?
  2. I am confused
    • I don’t understand what the doctors are saying to me. I don’t understand my options.
  3. I am overwhelmed
    • None of this is making sense. I don’t know if I am doing the right thing or not.
If you answered ‘YES’ to both of these questions, let’s set up an initial Zoom meeting!